tasman pine forestS Limited

Hira Forest Access Update: Waitarake (formerly Sharlands), Maitai Face, Koata Park (formerly Codgers) and Fringed Hill is available to the public for biking, walking and running under the Heads of Agreement with NCC.

  • NOTICE FROM TASMAN PINE FORESTS LTD (17/02/2025) HIRA FOREST: From Tuesday 18th February for approximately 3 weeks Waitarake (formerly Sharlands) will be closed for recreation access on weekdays due to log truck movements between Maitai Valley Road along the start of Sharlands Road and Central Road to the 7km. Access to the Maitai Face mountain bike trails will be closed to access via Central Road, but access via the climbing trail will remain open.
  • Be aware that there may be fallen trees blocking some secondary forest tracks. There may also be leaning or unstable trees near forest roads or tracks that we are unaware of. Look out for overhead hazards and do not enter the forest if the wind conditions are strong.