
Sponsors are a vital part of the NMTBC activities, contributing to events, track building, track maintenance and administration in various ways with cash contributions, donations of goods and services and donations of time.  

The Club does not take sponsorship for granted and are very appreciative of the support that they  receive. Mostly, sponsoring the Club is about being recognised as “good guys” doing good stuff for  the community plus there are benefits to the sponsors such as being able to post on our Facebook page.  Sponsor can make the most of the benefits that are due to them as set out below, and lots of good karma will come their way! 

NMTBC has four tiers of sponsorship (full details below):

  • Platinum Sponsor ($5,000 + GST)
  • Gold Sponsor ($3,500 + GST)  
  • Silver Sponsor ($2,000 + GST)  
  • Bronze Sponsor ($1,000 + GST)  

As NMTBC is a not-for-profit club we are always open to discussions with sponsors to come up with mutual beneficial arrangements.  So if you would like to find out more about becoming a sponsors, please get in touch.  

Sponsorship Benefits

A platinum sponsor is entitled to the following benefits:

  • Logo on all pages of the NMTBC website (www.nelsonmtb.club) linked back to sponsor website
  • Logo in any NMTBC e-newsletters to all members.
  • Sponsor to feature in platinum segment of mobile application where the Sponsor can choose to feature any member benefits or specific details regarding their support of the club.
  • Up to 12 offers of interest to club members posted on the NMTBC Facebook page (by approval of the club Facebook administrator). One per month.
  • Up to six Instagram posts on the Nelson Mountain Bike Club Instagram account.
  • Two advertorials in the monthly member e-newsletter, “Outside Line”.
  • Sponsorship of one trail with the sponsor’s logo featured on the sign at the trail entrance to the trail (selected trail subject to availability and approval from club manager)
  • Sponsorship of one Soil Service (Trail Maintenance) day with the sponsor to be represented in the event naming e.g. Soil Service powered by Sponsor’s name.
  • One planning session with the NMTBC Communications Manager to develop an annual strategy for Facebook, Instagram and newsletter promotion.
  • Ability to provide marketing material to be used/distributed at all NMTBC events (e.g. flag, tape, product, brochures)
  • Options for naming rights for NMTBC events
  • NMTBC will not accept a platinum sponsor that conflicts with an existing platinum sponsor.
  • ‘Platinum Sponsor’ NMTBC logo to be used on business literature as and when desired

A gold sponsor is entitled to the following benefits:  

  • Logo on all pages of the NMTBC website (www.nelsonmtb.club) linked back to sponsor website 
  • Logo in any NMTBC e-newsletters to all members  
  • Up to 12 offers of interest to club members posted on the NMTBC Facebook page (by  approval of the club Facebook administrator). One per month  
  • Up to 6 Instagram posts on the Nelson Mountain Bike Club Instagram account 
  • One advertorial in the bi-monthly member e-newsletter, “Inside Line”  
  • One planning session with NMTBC Communications Manager to develop annual strategy  for Facebook, Instagram and Inside Line advertorial  
  • Logo will appear on the Membership App and can include one offer of benefits for NMTBC  members.  
  • Ability to provide marketing material to be used/distributed at all NMTBC events (e.g. flag,  tape, product, brochures)  
  • Options for naming rights for NMTBC events  
  • NMTBC will not accept a gold sponsor that conflicts with an existing gold sponsor
  • ‘Gold Sponsor’ NMTBC logo to be used on business literature as and when desired

A silver sponsor is entitled to the following benefits:  

  • Logo on all pages of the NMTBC website (www.nelsonmtb.club) linked back to sponsor  website 
  • Logo will appear on the Membership App and can include one offer of benefits for NMTBC  members.  
  • Logo in any NMTBC e-newsletters to all members  
  • Up to nine (9) offers of interest to club members posted on the NMTBC Facebook page  (by approval of the club Facebook administrator). One per month  
  • Ability to provide marketing material to be used/distributed at all NMTBC events (e.g. flag,  tape, product, brochures)  
  • Right to naming rights for NMTBC events if Gold Sponsors do not take up this right.
  • NMTBC will not accept a silver sponsor that conflicts with an existing silver sponsor 
  • ‘Silver Sponsor’ NMTBC logo to be used on business literature as and when desired. 

A bronze sponsor is entitled to the following benefits:  

  • Small logo on each page of the website (www.nelsonmtb.club) linked back to its website • Logo will appear on the Membership App and can include one offer of benefits for NMTBC  members 
  • Logo in any NMTBC enewsletter to all members  
  • Six (6) offers of interest to club membership able to be posted on the NMTBC Facebook page  (by approval of club Facebook administrator) One every eight weeks  
  • Sponsor’ NMTBC logo to be used on business literature as and when desired.