Thanks for all those that made the effort to attend the AGM on Monday night, the theme was overall one of great positivity. An excellent turn out, with over 50 members in attendance and Matt Ball did a great job of chairing the meeting in Mel’s absence.
The Gorge has broken even despite the challenges of no overseas tourism and low visitor numbers, Nelson has had a plethora of new trails opened over the last year, world class events have been held and generally the grass roots MTB scene in Nelson is alive and kicking.
The upcoming year promises to be good, with lots of events planned, including the new Maitai Hub opening, the development of some awesome beginners trails and a regular club run social ride (more on this soon).
Some interesting discussions at the AGM around ongoing access to trails in Sharlands, initially during the upcoming logging operations, but extending to the medium-term viability of the trails and the need to build replacements for these trails. Definitely a focus for the committee for the next (few) year.
Unfortunately, the meeting saw the departure of Mel Schroder and Chris Short, who have both served tirelessly on the committee. A massive thanks to both.
Keith Richardson was awarded lifetime membership as recognition of his enduring contribution to the club.
Chloe Quilliam, Tayla Carson, Scott Jones and Jamie Roberts were voted on as new committee members. We welcome them to the committee and look forward to their enthusiasm and support.
Finally, I was elected as Chair for the upcoming year. I hope to build on the successes of the club and continue to deliver on the club vision “for Nelson to be an exceptional place to mountain bike”. I look forward to meeting a few more of you.
Brendan Hills