the mountain biker's code - Respect the track

Here’s a few notes from issues that have risen recently.  Please remember to follow the mountain biker’s code at all times.

Unsanctioned Trails

We’ve been made aware of some new cut-lines appearing on the Maitai Face slopes. Having investigated the damage, we have concluded that the lines have come about predominantly through riders forming their own routes through the forestry, rather than any trail building. We want to remind our members that THIS IS NOT OK.

We are very privileged to have an abundance of trails, and access to a vast area of recreation land on both Ngati Koata owned and NCC owned land. We maintain good relationships with our landowners by obtaining permission for new trails and keeping them abreast of our activities when we are on their land.

Please do not ride unsanctioned trails or lines as this threatens the land access arrangements that we work so hard to maintain. If we discover riders using unsanctioned trails, we will remove membership and pass the details of any riders to the relevant landowner, who may choose to take further action.

Permission to dig

Through our investigation of the new trail, we have discovered tools in the forest, which belong to a club member, who was undertaking maintenance on Keyboard Warrior, but without any form of permission.  THIS IS NOT OK. If you wish to help with maintenance on the trail network, we offer a number of opportunities, through regular scheduled dig days on a Sunday and Friday. If you have attended these days and feel you have the skills and experience to go out alone, please email us (, providing the date and times, together with the proposed trails you wish to maintain. We will provide you with a radio for comms, provide you with a Health & Safety briefing,  and make sure the area is not subject to logging or other operations.

Riding in the wet

As were sure everyone has heard, the opening of Koata Rere has been a huge success, albeit brief. The trail unfortunately sustained a lot of damage due to riders using the trail in the wet, which has taken a huge effort to restore.  THIS IS NOT OK. The trail, given that it is new and relatively exposed will continue to suffer damage if ridden in the wet. We will be opening the trail again after the upcoming bad weather has finished, but please note that this trail should be considered to be closed whenever its raining or has rained in the past 24 hours.

Thank you for respecting the trails.