Would you like to join our team of PHEC (Pre-hospital emergency care) medics who volunteer at NMTBC events?
We’re on the hunt for a couple of motivated riders who would like to complete their PHEC qualification and become part of our medic team. Our medics are an essential part of the NMTBC being able to run events. NMTBC will assist with course costs for a set number of participants. A PHEC qualification is a highly respected and useful first-aid qualification especially when you’ve trained with
Peak Safety Ltd. NMTBC uses Peak Safety as our training provider as they specialise in safety and emergency management and training in the outdoors.
There are also additional spots on the course being offered at a heavily reduced price for any extras that would like to do their PHEC qualification but can’t commit to being a volunteer medic for NMTBC. The PHEC course will be from 19th – 23rd September.