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XC Series 2023 – Race One

October 28, 2023 9:00 am 12:00 pm NZDT

Round one – UPDATE

Due to the likely timing of the Rugby World Cup Final (lol) we are changing the date of Round 1 of the Cross Country series. It will be on Saturday the 28th of October (the day before). 09:00 registration, 10:00 start, meet at Sunday Hole/Waahi Taakaro reserve in the Maitai Valley.

The NMTBC Cross Country series is back for 2023. Round one registration will be at Sunday Hole/Waahi Taakaro. The race lap will climb up Koata Whenua, turn left on the gravel road down to Take Me to Your Leader. Climbing up Take me to your Leader and continue up to Smasher (top section), then over to Divas (top seciton), turn left on the gravel road and down Hotbox. How many laps can you do in 75min? What an epic course.

Please register on-line before 3:00pm the day prior to racing.
Entry fee paid on the day in cash only: $20 for NMTBC members, $25 non member, $40 maximum per family with all proceeds to trail repair and maintenance. E-bikes welcome, not eligible for trophy prizes.

Race Day Times:

9am – Sign-in
9.45am – Race briefing
10.00am – Race start
11.00am – Race Finish

Categories (age taken at 31 Dec 2023)

U13, U15, U17, U19, Open, Master 1 (30-39) and up.