Specialized NZ along with the Nelson Mountain Bike Club are hosting a Dig Day to repair lower Te Ara Koa
Everyone welcome, sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/dSq8eQQYi0
Come down, lend a hand, meet new riders and give back to the trails that make your weekends great.
Food and beverages will be provided afterwards on us!
Lower Te Ara Koa. Meet at the bottom of the trail on Brook Street, opposite Olivine Terrace.
Sunday 9th October 2022
Shovel, pick, grubber, rake. Tools are provided but BYO if you can please.
Clothing suitable for both hot and cold, and possibly wet weather.
Sturdy, protective footwear, and gloves are recommended.
Around lunch time we’ll return to base and enjoy some BBQ food and refreshments for all, then everyone can go riding! (or return home).
Tell your mates and see you there!