The following is a summary from the Sport NZ COVID-19 Protection Framework Guidelines. A full copy can be
found here
1. When involved in Active Recreation outdoors with friends and family, the rules for gatherings apply.
2. Where no Vaccine Passes are checked (as they will not be out on the trails day to day!) , there is a limit of 50 people per gathering /group of riders.
3. There is no requirement to physical distance within your gathering.
4. There can be multiple groups (of up to 50 in each including children) , if those groups remain separated at all times by 2m.
5. You can drive outside your region for active recreation as long as there are no regional borders.
Events: In order for NMTBC to run events without number restrictions under Orange, vaccine passes will be required by all participants and volunteers.
This requirement of a vaccine pass allows NMTBC to continue running the epic events that members want and look forward to, while keeping everyone safe. This is a government public health mandate. The NMTBC committee continues to serve its membership and the community but is committed to compliance and will not enter into debate over this directive while it remains.